Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Survivor Story

Good Tequila Tuesday Tetley-Tea-ers!

So, if you know me - you will know I survived this Monster virus-thingy called Guillain Barre Syndrome. For those who don't know, it basically paralyzed me for yonks and landed me in an Intensive Care Unit on a life support machine (prime position by the window by the way - you only get that if you are a Permanent Resident).

-----Bee kickin' some GBS ass

Also got a waaayyyy rad cool article written up in Cosmo UK mag! 5 mins of fame..

Whoop whoop! So please guys,  sign up to my friend's blog - GBS South Africa

P.S - we are totally going to organize a Rockin' Partaaay with a load of Very Cool UK bands coming over to Cape Town to raise money for the GBS Turtle.. I will keep you posted...

P.P. S and I am Totally getting one of these bad boys..

OMFG indeed.

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