Monday, September 12, 2011

Rugby WC 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011. Loving it. Just loving it.
Lets totes get something 'straight-up' here. I am not reaaaaally a rugby fan. For realsies. Fan of 'nice-rugby-man-legs?' Perhaps. Fan of the actual game. Not so much.

Until now.

Until I decided that I would just get annoyed with my next few weekends activities being disrupted by game times, soooo I decided that if I couldnt beat them, I'd join them.

Also.. it means I can get all patriotic and stuff (Bokke and the Rose- Yes I'm a Mongrel).
I can also shout things like;

'C'mon My Sons!'


'Pack It In Ref!'


'Hooker!!!' (really loud and pretend its to the TV and NOT at some random chick attempting to talk to my man).

This was my (and other devoted supporter Claire's) actual table at Forries.
This is an actual dog.

...And this is the actual reason we watch Rugby. ;)

BOKKE! Moer Hulle! :)

So, I have launched in FULL FORCE. This is my actual car.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Anything Goes, But Clothes

If you were going to a party with the theme ‘Anything Goes, But Clothes’.. What would you go dressed in?

These were my ‘bright’ ideas:

- bin bag lady (soooo white trash)
- dress made out of condoms (you’d be very safe...)
- dress made out of sweets (my favourite choice but feel I would end up ‘well-nakey’ before  I’d even left the house).
- dress made out of ex-boyfriends broken hearts (joke, there wouldn’t be enough of those around to cover one cheeky nipply-nip)

Condom Dress

Chocolate dress - Yummy!

-wrap oneself in masking tape (thinking Sexy stroke Hot stroke Catwoman style) i.e.

You get the picture. However....

I cant help but think I would actually end up looking like Vera Duckworth (in latex)?

Vera Duckworth
Anyways, so I decided to get all pate on you all (patriotic) and go in a flag. No UK flag was found so I went in a dress made up of The Awesome Green and Gold.

The SA Flag Dress
The BFF's black bin bag and Woolworths plastic bag dress!
 Unfortch, my totally awesomely put together ‘flag dress’ went unnoticed.. thanks to my friend who went totally nakey... except for a donkey. Yes you read that right. His ass was on show in both senses of the word.

Anyone for Pizza?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blogger Fail

Yes, I am a Prime Example of a Blogger-Fail. 
Guys, Gals and Non-Bloggers; its like a relationship - at first NOTHING will stand in your way of blogging and just you can't stop chatting...
The beginning is all lustful, all-time consuming, just wanting to 'get jiggy' with your 'bloggee's'.
The next thing you know, work gets in the way... then there's the headaches.. blah blah blah.

So I 'm just letting ya'll know that I'm putting the SPARK back into my blog.. The 'bow chica wow wow chica chica chica bow chica wow wow'. 

(But starting from later today cos I have just checked my emails and WOW DENISE, WOW).

Mondays! Sigh...