Thursday, May 19, 2011


Sorry I haven't been blog-aging but I've been busy.. alright?


(Did I sound like a chav then? Should I have added the word 'ennit' and maybe thrown in a 'thats WELL good'?!!)

Friday 13th...There we were... (by we, I mean Rocker Girl Emu and I) the middle of the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGEST Friday known to mankind. The 13th day no less, when suddenly I was alerted to this mouth-salivating (or shall i say mouth-salvator-ing??? snigger snigger) news piece; 

Damon Salvatore (Ian Someholder) was spotted. Just wandering around South Africa broad daylight.

First of all, he must of been wearing his 'day ring'. 
Second of all. Just a little pissed off that he didn't call. He was in Sandton (where I just happened to be 2 weekends ago). Ian, please. We have talked about this. PLAN BETTER.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Social Experiment

Check out this RAD social experiment guys! 

NB: I especially appreciated the Zuma and shower one... For those of you who prefer to 'Lose' rather than 'Use' the News, and pay no attention at all ...blatantly UK-ers.. and probably from Gloucester lets be honest - ;).. well if ya don't know the background to THAT story check out the headline below from 2006;


Thursday, May 12, 2011

A very short post because am being killed with business...:) (oh, and I thought this was totes awes).

"A Man really has 2 options.. either STAND UP and be the man she needs...
Or SIT DOWN.. so she can see the man that STOOD."

The End. (Promise I'll be back soon! :) )