3 years until I’m 30.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m totally; Amped. For. Age (see previous blog post The Big 5-0). Plus you apparently get blessed with wisdom. Am Amped. For. Wisdom.
(Plus the Pant says age brings women Sexual Peak times. Rock On!)
But not so much on the wrinkles. I noticed this morning I have a wrink. ..An actual wrink!!! Under my eye. Now this COULD be because I had just woken from a slumber so deep I could have went to hell and back and not realised. And you know when you sleep deep, you wake up and your face is all crinkly and wrinkly from pillow? Well, it could have been this. It most probably was this. In fact, it actually was this. However, I am a Leo and we lions are given to dramatics, and so for today, that intruding line is a wrinkle.
Anyway, two of my Very Best Friends are 30. And they are totally Awesome. So awesome in fact, that I cannot and will not imagine life without them. They Rock. They make me not scared of being 30.
It’s just, I remember my Mother In Crutches being in her 30’s when she had my little sister (who we shall call Hot Bean for anonymity). Her 3rd child.
My biological clock is ticking at an Incredibly Slooooow Pace. Panic Button-QUICK! Better make the most of these Awesome Freedom Years I still have left! That, and the fact I need to find a husband first (and a good one- I have always wanted a child, but not as a husband).
Ah, 3 (plus) more yrs of Tequila Madness here we come Girls! Bring It.
You cannot seriously think that we have to give up tequila when we turn 30?
ReplyDeleteCrumpets Bee Wee. I AM NOT yet 30, but it, too, is approaching at an alarming rate. And I certainly intend to have a Patron-flavoured birthday cake with a little hottie-hot-pants jumping from its centre.