I was at desk, ears plugged. I was working, diligently, 'hardly' (!) and with intention. Suddenly, I was rudely interrupted by my super-hot-leggy-blonde-colleage Rocker Girl Emu.
Rocker Girl was Taking. The. Piss. Out. Of. Me. (diligently and hardly and with intention).
It was my own fault, as mentioned above*. I let myself down. I let the whole team down. (The team being; The Secret Society of Appearing Cool on the Outside but Having an Undercover Desire to Listen to Total Cheese club (a.k.a SSACOHUDLC)).
Now I'm not talking Bryan Adams cheese here people, I'm talking Full-On-Cheesy-Doritos-Mashed-with-Quavers style, BSB (for those of you less developed, aka. Backstreet Boys). Yep you heard me right.
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'If you want it to be good girl, get yourself a... bad boy' |
I was unconsciously crooning at my desk and performing obligatory 'Backstreet Boy / N'Sync head movements', when Rocker Girl noticed. Cue hyena-hilarity chuckles.
This, my friends, is my schoolgirl error. Rocker Girl will not let me live this moment down. I just know it.
But today I have decided that I just don't give a scrote. In fact, 'Thats the Way I Like it'. Plus, its Friday. And anyway, I now have achieved my 13 year old Bee ambition - I can now Rap all the words to 'Get Down'. Perhaps I should get a life and listen to some dub-step.. But, I can't get a life, if my heart isn't in it..
This post makes me laugh almost as much as I laughed when you did it in real life.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't think I'm not going to throw in the fact that besides for the BSB attempting to seduce you with "if you want it to be good girl, get yourself a bad boy", I now know that Bryan Adams has been begging "please forgive me" while at the same N'Sync has been saying "bye bye bye" all morning.
I'm just saying BeeWee, that things are getting very "Days of our Lives" on your playlist. Next thing you know it'll be Take That crooning that they "want you back for good".
You little skank you ;)
xx R.G. Emu